Children’s & teenager’s courses
Learn new skills in Reenis’ courses
The 2025 season registrations have started.
You can register to courses mid season provided that the courses have room. Contact us at info@reenis.fi . You will only pay for the remaining number of lessons.
- The main goal of Reenis’ courses is that children will get to move and learn a lot while having fun in a safe atmosphere.
- We aren’t trying to make anyone into a competitive athlete, but rather we try to enable children to discover a new hobby and push them towards a healthy lifestyle in a relaxed environment.
Schedules & pricing
One season includes a total of 15 hours of guided practice and a season’s price is 204–234 € depending on the course.
The 2025 season courses are set to begin on week 3. There are no practices on holiday weeks, nor on midweek holidays.
Course aging and leveling
- Kindergarden – preschool courses: 4-6 years old
- Children’s courses: 7-11 year old
- Teenagers’ courses: 11-15 year old
Courses’ age limits have been marked on the course item in the store.
If you have any questions regarding the age limits, contact ville@reenis.fi
Entry-level or advanced?
Entry-level courses 1-3 are all identical but at different times.
- The backbone of the course is to train the same basic skills and challenge everybody according to their own skill level.
- Everyone can continue on the entry-level courses for as long as they want or continue to the advanced course if the criteria are met.
- Parents and guardians can ask the staff for recommendations on which course the child should attend.
- If your child is mainly interested in hanging out and having fun with friends we suggest that they continue in the entry-level.
Advanced groups are aimed for children/teenagers who are genuinely interested in improving their skills and practicing towards their set goals.
- Advanced courses may contain certain course specific criteria which are informed on the description.
- Recommended for children/teenagers who already have good basic athletic abilities and can do a variety of course specific skills.
- If you have already trained the sport somewhere else, it is possible to join the advanced course without going to the entry-level course. For any questions contact ville@reenis.fi
Please note that some of our course instructors only have a basic knowledge of English. Contact us for more information.
Trampoline courses
In our trampoline lessons you will get to jump around and improve your flipping skills in a fun and a safe way. We’re going to teach the basics of trampoline jumping and guide you step-by-step into doing your first flips.
The lessons also include a wide variety of other exercises from different disciplines, which are aimed to improve your coordination, balance, and all-around athletic abilities.
- Trampoline Advanced Group / 2015-2012 / Mon 17:00-18:00
- Trampoline 1 / 2017-2013 / Mon 18:00-19:00 (FULL)
- Trampoline Youth Advanced / 2012-2009 / Mon 19:00-20:00
- Trampoline 2 / 2017-2013 / Tue 16:00-17:00 (FULL)
- Trampoline 3 / 2017-2013 / Tue 17:00-18:00 (FULL)
- Trampoline / 2013-2010 / Tue 18:00-19:00
Parkour courses
In our parkour lessons you will have the chance to try out jumping, climbing, hanging and flipping! This course is aimed towards energetic trickers, who want to challenge themselves and develop new skills.
In this course we will teach the basic movements of parkour, different flipping techniques, and a wide variety of different parkour landings. You will also learn how to climb smoothly over obstacles and move seamlessly through the environment. Join in, and take your parkour skills to the next level!
- Parkour 1 / 2017-2013 / Thu 16:30-17:30 (FULL)
- Parkour Advanced / 2015-2013 / Thu 17:00-18:00
- Parkour 2 / 2017-2013 / Fri 16:00-17:00
- Parkour 3 / 2017-2013 / Fri 17:00-18:00
- Parkour / 2015-2012 / Thu 18:00-19:00
- Parkour Youth / 2012-2009 / Fri 18:00-19:00
Gymnastics courses
On our gymnastics courses, you will get to explore the exciting world of gymnastics and develop your skills in a versatile way! The classes include training with gymnastics equipment, air tracks, floor exercises, and trampolines.
Through supplementary training, you will improve your strength, flexibility, and body control, all of which support your progress in gymnastics and also in other sports. This course is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their skills while enjoying the many challenges and joyful moments that gymnastics has to offer!
- Gymnastics 1 / 2017-2013 / Wed 17:00-18:00
- Gymnastics Youth / 2013-2009 / Wed 18:00-19:00 (One spot left!)
- Gymnastics 2 / 2017-2013 / Fri 18:00-19:00
4-6 y.o. Fun Acrobatics
This course is an energetic and fun movement session aimed at 4-6 year old children. Here children will get to practise the very first steps of all acrobatic sports, including jumping, climbing, balancing, and a ton more while constantly having a joyful spirit. The course also improves children’s motoric skills.
The courses are being held in the skills room, (Taitotila) right next to Reenis GYM
- Fun Acrobatics 1 / 2020-2018 / Mon 17:00-17:45 (Additional spots opened!)
- Fun Acrobatics 3 / 2020-2018 / Mon 18:00-18:45 (Additional spots opened!)
- Fun Acrobatics 2 / 2020-2018 / Thu 18:00-18:45 (One spot left!)